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We know this season of life can be challenging. That is why we are striving to provide relevant content that is helpful for your family. It is our desire to bring you more resources to lead your family in worship.


Interested in beginning a family worship time in your home? It doesn’t have to be complicated. And for increasingly busy families, it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Family worship is simply coming together as a family to worship God in the home. It generally involves prayer, reading scripture, and singing.


  • We are too busy.

Everyone has time to do what they value. It does not have to be a 30-minute prepared devotion every night or even every week. Find ways to talk about God throughout the day. Spend a few minutes reading scripture and talking about what it means at dinner, then pray together. Intentionally turn conversations to spiritual matters on the drive home from ball practice.

  • I don't know what to talk about.

Worship is not an event, but a lifestyle. It is the way we live out our faith, in response to the greatness, goodness, and grace of God. Look for ways to connect what your family is experiencing each day to the truth of God's Word. Also, there are many great resources available online to help you and your family. Check out some of the other websites listed below for ideas.


FamilyWorship101 — a book from Don Whitney and email resource. 

Seeds Family Worship — provide a way to memorize scripture while singing and praising God. Recordings can be used alone, or as a part of a family worship time.

New City CatechismsThe New City Catechism is a modern-day resource aimed at helping children and adults alike learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith via 52 questions and answers.




LifeWay Worship

Worship Matters

Getty Music

Sovereign Grace Music

Worship Together

Indelible Grace Hymnbook

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